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What tools do software developers use? (My Current Setup - Jan 2016 Edition)

What tools a developer will use will greatly vary based on what kind of projects they do. With that said, many new software developers have asked me about my setup so they could have an example. So here's what I'm currently using.

     Main Work     
Visual Studio Professional 2015 - This is the main area where you write your code.

SQL Server Management Studio - For working with the database.

     Comparison Tools     
I use Araxis for comparing code, Redgate for comparing databases.

Araxis Merge: My current favorite merge/diff utility. I've tried quite a few. Overall the UI is much more pleasant and can display more data at a time. It's not cheap, but I tried out just about every free or cheap merge/diff utility and nothing came close to the 1-click merging abilities of Araxis. A good diff/merge utility is priceless and can save you a lot of time, so take the time to learn it well.

Redgate Tools  - I use their database tools to compare and map out databases. I didn't do much comparison with other tools, but Redgate's Toolbelt is top notch.


Turtoise SVN - Version control. This is chosen by the company. It keeps track of the history of all the changes to the code. It has a lot of features that allow you to work easily with a team and stay organized.

Sublime Text - I  primarily use this for taking notes, but I will also sometimes write code in this.

Pulover's Macro Creator - Super easy Record & Play macros. I use this to save time when testing.

Epic Pen - I use this to draw on the screen. This is great for when I'm explaining things to people, or to help me visually navigate complicated code.


GIMP - A great free program for editing images. (Many people use Photoshop, but I haven't ever needed anything too complex.)

DeskPDF - Editing PDFs.

CutePDF Writer - Easy PDF creation.

Major browsers: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari - for testing.
Trello & Google Calendar - These two are my favorite organizational tools. Staying organized makes life less stressful and anything you produce higher quality. I use it for work and for personal things.

Stack Overflow
Hacker News

     Company Specific Programs     
There are some company specific programs I've had to learn on the job. I think it's worth mentioning it's likely you'll have to learn a few.


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